As a professional you deal with people from all kinds of cultures. Understanding cultural differences and different forms of communication have a positive effect on the relationship with your customers, candidates and participants.
Learn how culture is an integral part of who we are and how we communicate with others.
Target audience
For job coaches, customer managers, coordinators and board members.
As a professional you deal with people from all kinds of cultures. Culture is an integral part of who we are and how we communicate with others. Understanding cultural differences and different forms of communication have a positive effect on the relationship with your customers, candidates or participants.
During this interactive workshop we will look for our own cultural values and those of others, using cases from our own practice. After the training, you will have more insight into your own norms and values and you will receive tools to bridge cultural differences and apply this in your work with status holders.
This workshop is organized by Go Arabic Institute. Go Arabic has been facilitating training in the field of intercultural communication since 2005 and is affiliated with the AtlasBridges platform, among others.
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